Delivery Information
How will my order be shipped?
Your order will be shipped direct from us using one of our selected couriers. Our couriers include FedEx, DHL and Royal Mail. The courier used will be determined once your order has been picked and packaged and will depend on the overall size, weight and final destination of your order.
The selected courier details and tracking information will be provided in your order completed email, which you will receive once we despatch your order.
We only use express shipping services to ensure you receive your order in a timely manner from the date of despatch.
UK mainland addresses goods will usually be delivered within 1-2 working days from dispatch.
When will my order be shipped?
If the items you have purchased are marked as in stock your order will be processed and shipped within 2 working days. If for any reason an item which was showing in stock is not available we will contact you at the earliest possible time to let you know and work on the best possible solution.
Orders will only be despatched once your full order list is complete unless otherwise agreed. We can ship partial order but may need to charge an extra shipping fee to cover extra shipping costs.
In the event the items you order are stored in our 2 different locations we may choose to ship these separately to you if we cannot get the internal stock movement completed in a timely enough manner. This will be at or cost and you will be notified that your order will be arriving in 2 separate deliveries.
Any custom made to order items will be shipped once they become available, for more detailed lead times please contact us before your purchase.